All Things Are Possible
With God

All Things
Are Possible
With God

Are you ready to renew your mind? Discover how toxic your thoughts are. >>

Are you ready to renew your mind?
Discover how toxic your thoughts are. >>

Latest Articles

How to Stand Firm in the Faith

How to Stand Firm in the Faith

In the face of adversity and doubt, it is important for Christians to stand firm in faith. This means trusting in God's plan and promises, even when it may be difficult or unclear. As it says in 1 Corinthians 16:13, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be...

Can a Narcissist Be a Christian?

Can a Narcissist Be a Christian?

You’ve heard of an oxymoron, right? An oxymoron is a self-contradicting word or group of words, like ‘jumbo shrimp,’ ‘awfully good,’ and ‘only choice.’ If you were just learning the language, some of these figures of speech would confuse you, and rightfully so. The...

5 Toxic Movies God Wants You to Stop Romanticizing

5 Toxic Movies God Wants You to Stop Romanticizing

Who formed your idea of love? If you’re like many, it wasn’t God, it wasn’t your parents, it wasn’t even the person you fell in love with. No, it was something much more distorted and toxic. It was the movies. For as long as films have been in existence, Christian...

Hit Your 2023 Goals – Proven Biblical Strategies for Success

Hit Your 2023 Goals – Proven Biblical Strategies for Success

There’s just something refreshing about a new year. It's a brand new opportunity to wipe the slate clean and get a reset. Each year we hit the reset button, and we try again. Now, I love resets, I love new opportunities, I love new seasons, but I hate repeats. I don't...

Why God isn’t Moving in Your Life

Why God isn’t Moving in Your Life

Have you been saved by grace but still feel like you’re living in a chokehold?  In Galatians 5:1–15, the apostle Paul discusses the nature of freedom in Christ, beginning with an admonition to “stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and...

Win the Battle with Bitterness

Win the Battle with Bitterness

Are you struggling with the pain of your past? Maybe someone betrayed you and you just can’t make sense of it. Or perhaps you’re still in the midst of a toxic situation and losing hope for a way out. Or maybe you’re wondering why God isn’t using you. You love Him and...