How To Have Healthy Relationships

It’s easy to blame the person you’re in relationship with for all the problems between you. But the fact is that relationships take two—they aren’t one-sided. Jesus modeled what it takes to have healthy relationships with anyone—spouse, children, coworkers, and...

6 Surprising Ways to Make Life Better

I have always been (and still am) a planner and goal-setter. I aim high, work hard, and always look to make life better. I used to believe that my life will be better when…. The problem was there was always another “when.” One day I began to wonder, Why do some people...

When It’s Time to Burn a Bridge

You’ve heard the expression, “Don’t burn your bridges.” While this adage has some wisdom to it—we do live in a small world and you never know when you’ll cross paths with someone—sometimes you need to burn bridges with people so they never appear in your life again. I...

Falling Out of Love

“I just fell out of love,” Emily said—she was determined to follow through with her divorce from Jake. “How do you just fall out of love?” Jake responded with a look of defeat written all over his face. “I’ve tried and tried. I’ve given you everything, but all you...