How I Quit My Job and Follow God’s Purpose

If you are ready to answer the cry for purpose, with the determination to discover that, I hope you will join me. There is not a week that goes by that I don’t get an email or message from someone asking, “How do I find my purpose?”, and while I wish I could give private personalized advice. Each email with that question has far too many facets to touch on in just a few words. And more importantly. It’s very personal.

You see God has made you unique. Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are wonderful. I know that full well.”  my friend that’s you you’re the work. God is not going to be that intentional about creating you and not be intentional about what he’s gifted you to do. And that’s what I discovered as I was neck-deep in a business that was choking the life out of me.

I had been in the fitness industry, my entire life from the age of seven, where I lined up the neighborhood kids to give them nutritional advice to owning fitness studios later on in life. Fitness was all I’d ever known. I knew God was calling me for more. Now, don’t hear what I’m not saying, not that there’s anything wrong with fitness just that my time with fitness was finished and at that time I battled with feeling discontent and ungrateful. I mean, on one hand, I was so thankful for the blessing of my business. I had a wonderful business partner in a super team, but on the other hand, something inside me was dying. I knew God wanted more from me and more for me.

So I began to take the steps needed to discover what God wanted me to do with my life.

Can you relate? Do you find yourself, stuck and unfulfilled?  Whether you’ve gotten off the path because of poor choices, or you’ve been tossed about by the ways of life for filling your God-given, purpose is possible.

So I want to invite you to take the same steps that I did to answer the call of God on your life. Are You Ready?

Step #1 –  Discover. 

To fulfill your God-given purpose you must first discover your God-given purpose but hang with me, but to discover what God is calling you to do. You must first discover who he’s created you to be and in this step, you’re going to want to take the time to uncover your God-given temperament. Now, to learn more about temperament. I want to invite you to go over to this teaching series here, an extensive playlist on your God-given temperament.

The next thing that I want you to discover is your spiritual gifts, be honest about your passions and your pain points, take a few hours, or better yet take as much time as you need to discover yourself. My friend this is going to be the best investment you can make. A lot of times we travel through life and we’re fulfilling the needs and expectations of others. We’re going down this path that we think we’re supposed to go down and the next thing you know, we really don’t know who we are or what we like to do.

So, maybe you’re wondering exactly what you’re seeking to discover. Here’s what I want you to do, seek your strengths and your weaknesses, seek your likes, and your dislikes, your regrets in life, and what you would have done differently, better yet. Discover why you did what you did and above all else, discover your God-given temperament. My friend this is going to change your life. If you’re not sure what your God-given temperament is grab your, What’s my Temperament Guide to begin to discover how God wired you.

My friend this step was life-changing for me and as I began to understand myself, I grew to know, God better, and was better able to now respond to his call when it was revealed. And just as an aside, the revelation of your purpose in life is more like a journey than it is a destination. So, I don’t want you waiting for that flashing neon sign to tell you what you’re supposed to do, begin to step out and let the Holy Spirit guide your steps.

So the first step I took is I began to discover. 

Step #2 – Develop. 

You can’t continue to move forward in the same old, same old and expect something amazing to happen to change the course of your life there are three areas that you will need to develop. Now, this is a term that I use more in a photographic sense as in to bring into greater focus.

The first area to develop is your core values or otherwise known as what’s important to you. See you can only begin to embark on this after you’ve discovered yourself.  See how it all starts to tie together. The next is to develop the skills that you need to move forward. If you discover that you’re gifted in communication, my friend. It’s time to start developing that gift.

And finally, the most important area to develop is your mind, your will only goes as far as your thinking will allow.

So, if you are the type to dwell on negative thoughts and run the, what ifs? My friend I want to encourage you to renew your mind because God could reveal your God-given purpose. You could discover all of your strengths in your abilities. But if your mind is not renewed, you’re going to come to an impasse.

So you could discover exactly what God has called you to do, but if your mind is susceptible to demonic attacks, you will never achieve liftoff.

So if you do need help in this area, I want to encourage you to check out my online course, it’s called Renew Your Mind and it’s going to help you to do just that. My friend it’s going to help you to control your mind and allow God to transform your life. Believe me, when I tell you, you will not be the same after that.

Step #3 – Design. 

A dream without a plan is just a wish. You see once you have discovered yourself, and your first steps and developed the skills and the mindset that is needed. It’s time to put the pedal to the metal and design a plan that’s going to get you there. You see, in this design phase, you will begin to set up a plan of action. Nothing’s going to happen by accident. I have found far too many Christians just sitting around waiting for God to clunk them over the head, give them their burning bush moment and then give them the kick in the pants that they need my friend. We have a responsibility.

This is not going to happen by accident. You have to be intentional even with the smallest of goals.

So here’s what I want you to do. Start with the end in mind and work backward. You see when I wrote my first book I was so excited, but I was overwhelmed. I kept putting it off because sitting down to write a book is daunting. Well, of course, it is. Most people don’t sit down to write a book. They work on it piece-by-piece. So that’s what I did. I bulleted out everything that I wanted to say and then organized them into chapters. Then began to write little by little.  Some days I’d write a chapter other days only a paragraph, but the point is that I chipped away at my plan and it worked. Now my entire work life, ok even my personal life works by this motto. I rarely do anything without a plan, of course, being flexible to the Holy Spirit’s prompting.

If you stink at follow-through, you may want to consider setting up a support system to hold you accountable and help in those unfamiliar. areas. My friend, you do not have to stay stuck another day, but your purpose is not going to fulfill itself. And I pray that you will begin to take the steps that I took and watch what God will do through you. If you are struggling with understanding what God wants you to do with your life. I want to invite you to grab a copy of our free, Uncover Your God-Given Purpose guide.  It is my gift to you because my friend, I believe that God has an incredible purpose that He wants to fulfill through you.

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