Am I A People Pleaser?

Have you ever wondered why you can’t say NO, even when you want or need to?

Do you often go along to get along?

Do you frequently feel used and overlooked?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, it’s highly likely that you’re battling with the disease to please.

While you may be asking yourself on some level “am I a people pleaser”, what you may not know is that people-pleasing can display itself in various forms.

Here’s the truth. People-pleasing is NOT the Godly trait you think it is. In fact, it’s the devil’s counterfeit for genuine relationships, and the worst part is that it keeps you from being a God pleaser.

The good news is that once we allow God to expose those unproductive tendencies, we can begin to shift our hearts from the dysfunctional approval of others to the genuine approval of God.

So, don’t stay stuck another day. Take the people pleaser quiz today to discover your ‘people-pleasing type’ and begin your journey to saying NO to people and YES to God.