All Things Are Possible
With God

All Things
Are Possible
With God

Are you ready to renew your mind? Discover how toxic your thoughts are. >>

Are you ready to renew your mind?
Discover how toxic your thoughts are. >>

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Signs You are Emotionally Dependent on People

Signs You are Emotionally Dependent on People

Is your need for love and affection insatiable? Do you suffer distress when someone physically or emotionally withdraws from you?  You could be struggling with emotional dependency. Today’s blog will be talking about the signs that you are emotionally dependent on...

How to Believe God’s Word Over Your Thoughts

How to Believe God’s Word Over Your Thoughts

If you're anything like me, you get hit with a half-dozen destructive thoughts, all before getting out of bed. Every day we have a battle going on in our minds. We are bombarded with thoughts that either give us life, or suck the life right out of us, and thoughts...

Overcome a Victim Mentality Biblically

Overcome a Victim Mentality Biblically

Everyone gets attacked, injured, cheated, or harmed in some form during their lifetime. If not physically, then emotionally. We're all victims in moments of life's challenges and difficulties. John 16:33  said that "in this life, you will have trouble, but take heart,...

7 Signs that God is Trying to Break You of a Victim Mentality

7 Signs that God is Trying to Break You of a Victim Mentality

Have you ever felt like your good intentions were just misunderstood? You feel like you're always under attack and not able to move forward in life, no matter how hard you try. The way you perceive your situation can actually be the difference between victimhood and...

How to Stop Ruminating Over a Toxic Relationship

How to Stop Ruminating Over a Toxic Relationship

Do you find yourself unable to stop thinking about the toxic person in your life? Maybe it's your self-centered, husband your narcissistic mother, or your obnoxious boss. You find yourself thinking repeatedly about the offenses maybe run the scenarios over and over...

Are Empaths Biblical?

Are Empaths Biblical?

Are you the type who feels deeply? Perhaps you're highly sensitive to the feelings and moods of others. You may even get over-stimulated often and need a lot of alone time to regenerate. You could be considered what many would call an empath. And for all intents and...