You’ve got a Healthy Mind
Your thoughts are quite confident and healthy. Way to go!
I’m sure you struggle from time to time with negative thoughts (after all, us mere mortals do), but you certainly don’t let toxic thoughts infect your life.
Assuming that you derive your strength and confidence from truly trusting God, and not a false bravado, you’re positioned perfectly to move forward in all that God has for you and wants from you.
Maybe you’ve even considered helping others overcome the lies that are bouncing around in their heads and helping them believe biblical truth.
To keep your thought life healthy, stay in God’s word daily and continue to resist the devil’s intrusive thoughts. If you do this, I have no doubt that you will live a life of purpose.
Speaking of purpose….if you’re ready to use that healthy mind of yours for the good of others and the glory of God, check out my online course – DESTINED to Discover Your God Given Purpose. All the details are here for you.
In the meantime, check out this video to keep moving forward..
Dive Deeper to Discover Your God Given Purpose
Assuming that you derive your strength and confidence from truly trusting God, and not a false bravado, you’re positioned perfectly to move forward in all that God has for you and wants from you.
Maybe you’ve even considered helping others overcome the lies that are bouncing around in their heads and helping them believe biblical truth.
To keep your thought life healthy, stay in God’s word daily and continue to resist the devil’s intrusive thoughts. If you do this, I have no doubt that you will live a life of purpose.
Speaking of purpose….if you’re ready to use that healthy mind of yours for the good of others and the glory of God, check out my online course – DESTINED – Discover Your God Given Purpose. All the details are here for you.
Kris Reece
Kris Reece holds a Ph.D. in Christian Counseling and a Master’s Degree in Theology. As a Minister, Christian Counselor, Coach and Author, her passion is in helping others defeat life’s devils, grow in faith and answer the call of God on their life. Her greatest desire is to see others set free from the unhealthy expectations of toxic people and live an abundant life.