Your Thoughts are Highly Flammable (Very Toxic)
My friend, I’m sorry to confirm what you’ve probably already suspected….your mind is a mess.
Your thoughts are more than moderately toxic…. They likely lean towards trusting false beliefs and it’s been infecting your life for some time now.
It’s likely that a day doesn’t go by without you thinking or feeling negative about someone or something (including yourself).
We all get hit with unwanted thoughts from time to time and if you’re not careful, these unwanted thoughts can become so ‘familiar’ that they feel normal.
But normal doesn’t mean good.
I realize that the way you think and react may seem appropriate within the context of some of your relationships, but I’m guessing that if you had to be honest, you’d admit that you wish you didn’t think, feel or react the way you do. But, the problem is – you just don’t know how to stop.
You’ve likely tried to stop thinking negatively or reacting inappropriately, but it doesn’t last long.
That’s because you’ve never challenged your thoughts.
Unchallenged thoughts lead to an unrenewed mind.
And an unrenewed mind is a playground for Satan’s lies to grow and fester.
In other words, this doesn’t get better with time…it gets worse.
I get it, you may have never learned how to think differently and you may even believe that it’s too late to teach an old mind new tricks, but all things are possible with God.
In fact, I KNOW that his desire is for you to believe his truth over the lies of others.
I would encourage you to be in the Word of God daily and challenge the lies in your mind, no matter how small.
You can start here:
Dive Deeper to Renew Your Mind
If you’re saying “Enough! I’m ready to learn how to kick ALL of my anxious, worrisome, fearful, negative thoughts to the curb”, then I want to encourage you to check out my online course, Renew Your Mind.
In this course, I walk you through a proven 4-step formula to quiet the chaos in your mind.
It’s time to control the conversation in your mind and learn how to replace ‘over-reactions’ with calm, controlled responses.
All that and more is possible inside of my Renew Your Mind Online Course
Allowing toxic, fearful, negative, destructive thoughts to fly around in your mind – unchallenged – will lead to anxiety, strained relationships, damaged self esteem, and a life that lives far beneath God’s perfect purpose.
Don’t let that be you.
It’s not too late to transform your thought life.
Kris Reece
Kris Reece holds a Ph.D. in Christian Counseling and a Master’s Degree in Theology. As a Minister, Christian Counselor, Coach and Author, her passion is in helping others defeat life’s devils, grow in faith and answer the call of God on their life. Her greatest desire is to see others set free from the unhealthy expectations of toxic people and live an abundant life.