The Hidden Source of Doubt

By: Kris Reece, Counselor, Coach, Speaker


“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” — 2 Corinthians 5:17

All those who have come to Christ are new creations! That’s worth celebrating. When we come to Christ, we have a new identity. I don’t know about you, but I was happy to get rid of the old identity.

But what happens when you can’t really see yourself in that new identity? I’ve spoken to many women who struggle with this—they may attend church and Bible study every week, but they feel like something or someone is holding them back from breakthrough.

While your identity in Christ can never be taken away, it can be covered, disguised or clouded. Regardless of what Christ has done for you on the cross, if you see yourself in the old light–worthless, hopeless, discouraged–you will not be able to boldly exercise your authority in Christ.

Satan knows that he can’t steal your salvation—remember, he sees Christ when he looks at you. But if he can get YOU to look at yourself differently, he knows that you will never take advantage of your complete identity and authority.

If I had a beautiful custom-made piece of furniture and I covered it in a large tarp, you wouldn’t be able to appreciate its beautiful fabric or hand detailing. You would never be able to use it for its intended purpose—which is to be functional and beautiful. In fact, people would probably assume that the couch is battered and ugly—otherwise, why would it need to be covered up?

The same happens when don’t realize who we are in Christ. Our faith is hindered. And without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Do you see the cycle?

Satan uses three primary tactics to disguise your identity from you.

  1. Doubt. Satan is a master manipulator and will try to twist things to make you question your identity. He did it to Jesus several times: Once in the wilderness, when he said, “If you are the Son of God…” (Matthew 4:6) and again on the cross where the Roman soldiers said, “If you are the King of the Jews… (Luke 23:37). If he tried to get Jesus to question his identity, he will certainly do it to you.
  2. Other gods. Our God said, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). But Satan will use other gods to pull you away from your one true God. Other gods may come in the form of money, success, children, relationships. When you use these things to feel better about yourself, when your put your faith in these things to be your salvation, you cloud your identity with other gods.
  3. Self love. Our society today is so focused on “loving oneself.” The intention is to build up self-esteem, but the result is that we learn to credit ourselves for our accomplishments or our discouragements. Our self love should come not from what we do or don’t do, but simply from the fact that He first loved us!

Do not live another day covered in the imposters Satan has placed before you. You true identity is waiting to be revealed. So take off those filthy rags and unveil your true identity, the identity that was made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).

When you do, an unveiling of the glory of God takes place in the spirit realm that requires Satan and his minions to yield and admit defeat. All this incredible action starts when you simply allow yourself to see yourself as a new creation in Christ.


By: Kris Reece, Counselor, Coach, Speaker




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