Most people believe that they are “good” people. That’s because we judge others by their actions, but we judge ourselves by our intentions.
There are many well-meaning “good” people who are actually buddying up with the devil. They join him and his demons on their playground. Evil has a field day with them and they are none the wiser.
Ignorance however is not an excuse. You need to be aware of some of your actions. There are some key actions that contribute to becoming BFFs with Satan’s minions.
Bad Action #1
Entertaining thoughts. By entertaining thoughts that are not in line with God’s Word, you invite Satan’s minions in to play on your playground. And your mind is the playground that he wants to wreak havoc in. Phil 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” That means that anything other than what is on this list has gotta go–hatred, vengeance and self-pity are all access points to invite his demons in to play in your mind.
Bad Action # 2
Speaking words of defeat. God’s Word is filled with His promises that are for your encouragement. But when you speak words of defeat, you allow demons to speak through you. Words aren’t just words. Those half-humorous comments and self-deprecating jokes that you think are comical are actually activating Satan’s demons to bring to pass every word you speak. Watch your mouth!
Bad Action #3
Sinning. This seems like a no-brainer, but there are plenty of people out there (yes, Christians included) who don’t fear God enough to avoid sin. Yes, we all fall short and sin (Romans 3:23), but we are not supposed to make it a sport. When you sin, confess it and turn from it, otherwise you swing the door wide open and you might as well put a sign out that says “Demons welcome here.” If you do not want Satan’s demons on your friend list, resist giving into your temptations and urges. God assures us that no temptation is too strong that He will not provide a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). Take the escape route and dodge these “frenemies.”
Bad Action #4
Sitting in God’s place. While very few would say that they intentionally take God off His throne and put themselves up instead, it’s exactly what you do when you worry and try to control your own situation. Satan’s demons love this one! They know that if they can get you to “care” enough, then you’ll take action. But we are not supposed to always take action. Sometimes we are to be still and know that God’s got it all under control (Psalm 46:10)!
Are you tired of unknowingly inviting demons into your life? It’s time you kick your old demon friends to the curb and say “Sayonara” once and for all! De-friend them. And when you do, make sure you never open the door again to reestablish a friendship. No more playing with demons and inviting evil into your life. You belong to God.