How to Break the Power of Words Spoken Over You

There is tremendous power in words. After all, God used words to speak creation into existence.

But before we talk about how to break the power of these words, let’s talk for a moment about where they come from.

There are two sources of negative words:

  1. Words spoken by others. These are negative words that perhaps were spoken over you by a parent or a teacher or even kids growing up. Depending on how deep of a wound they created, they can dictate the course of your life.
  2. Words spoken over yourself. Even more powerful than the words of others are the words you speak against yourself. Phrases like, “I’m such a dope” or, “I’ll never figure this out” are self-defeating words that kill the power and potential of God in your life.

Both sources are demonic. Yes, even if you are a Christian, you can have demonic forces at work in your life. It doesn’t mean you’re possessed by the devil; it means that you have likely given him access into your own mind. (Or at the very least, you haven’t closed the door to his intrusion.)

Are you ready to close the door? There are three steps to break the power of words spoken over you:

1. Break them.

Your words have power and you have the power to tell Satan and his minions operating in your life to leave in the name of Jesus. Yes, you have that authority given to you by Jesus. Use it. These words need to be spoken out loud as Satan can’t read your mind. Don’t pray sweet little “God please tell him to leave” prayers. Demand him to leave. Next, you need to break any agreement you’ve had with these words. Then forgive those who have spoken them (including yourself), because unforgiveness is an open access point for Satan to enter back in.

2. Reject them.

People are careless and many don’t realize that they are just pawns in Satan’s schemes. So the next time someone says something negative about you, rebuke it. Break it right then and there. This even applies to words that you accidentally speak over yourself.

3. Watch your mouth.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” — Proverbs 18:21.

Your job now is to speak life. God’s word is life. Learn more about what He says about you and you’ll be better equipped to detect the lies of the enemy and reject them. You are not a victim, so don’t talk like one. Your words have more power than those spoken against you. I realize you may not believe that right now, but that’s because you’re going by your feelings, not the truth. Dig into God’s truth and you’ll see your feelings start to change.

This is in no way an exhaustive list of how to cast Satan out of your life but hopefully, it has raised your awareness of Satan’s plan and the power of Christ in you.

Whatever you do, DO NOT come into agreement with these words, no matter how factual they may seem. You may have been told that because your mother and grandmother both had mental issues, you will too. This is not true. You have the power of Christ living on the inside of you and light and dark can’t coexist (2 Cor 6:14). Resist agreeing with those untrue words and walk in the power of Christ.

I’ll bet you didn’t realize that negative words lead to negative thinking. And negative thinking, if left unresolved, quickly turns toxic. Once your thoughts are toxic, they infect every area of your life—physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual. If you need help with winning the battle in your mind, join me for my online course Overcoming Toxic Thinking. It’s time you got your peace and joy back.


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