How to Follow Your Calling When You Have No Confidence

If there is one bible character I relate to most when it comes to fulfilling the call that God has for my life, it would be Moses.

While I didn’t have a burning bush moment, nor is my purpose as bold as setting a nation free (not yet anyway), I can relate to how Moses felt when God informed him of his calling.


In Exodus 3 and 4, God introduces Himself to Moses and assures him that his people will be set free, and that he (Moses) will be the one to lead the charge. Moses then spends the next several chapters finding one excuse after another for why he’s not the guy for the job.


And that’s where I feel like I have a lot in common with Moses. I get all cocky when I’m motivated to accomplish something, but when God calls me to do it, my confidence crumbles to the ground.


So what do you do when you want to step into your calling but you lack the confidence to do it?


There are five steps you can take to not be like Moses (and me) and let your insecurities get the better of you.


Step 1: Hear from God.

There have been times when I was called to do something that others criticized. I will admit that criticism can cause you to doubt your calling, but when you hear from God loud and clear, you rest in the knowledge that God will finish what He started. One of the best ways to hear from God is through quiet time in prayer.


Step 2: Stop copying others.

You can’t fulfill your unique purpose if you are busy looking at others. Even after Moses died and Joshua was called to lead the people of Israel into the promised land, he wasn’t commanded to ‘be like’ Moses. He was commanded to not be afraid and to follow the law (Joshua 1:7). God spoke to Joshua and used him in a special and unique way, so don’t worry what others are doing and stick to your path.


Step 3: Believe that God has a plan for your life.

After all the years that I’ve been in ministry, I’m still amazed by the number of people who still wonder if God has a plan for their life. I do understand that sometimes scripture doesn’t speak directly to your circumstances and it can leave you feeling a little confused, but this one is perfectly clear (Jeremiah 29:11).


Step 4: Remember, it’s not about you.

Your calling isn’t for your comfort. Following God means to live a life of sacrifice. Yes, Jesus did come so that you could have life and have it in abundance (John 10:10), but the issue comes when you make it all about YOU. Our purpose as believers is to advance the kingdom of heaven on this earth. Remember, God is more concerned with your character than He is your comfort.


Step 5: Surround yourself with support.

Negative people can suck the life right out of you. It’s important that you surround yourself with people who can build you up and support you when the burden gets too heavy. But don’t let a lack of earthly support discourage you. Even when everyone else leaves you high and try, the Holy Spirit is all the support you need. Call on Him.


Many people wait for confidence to rise up before they take a step towards their purpose, but this is backwards. Confidence follows only after you take steps of faith (otherwise you wouldn’t need faith). So take a deep breath and step out believing that confidence will follow. But even if it doesn’t, you don’t need confidence to live your life purpose, you only need God and He’s right there with you.


The good news is you don’t need confidence in yourself to live your life calling. All you need is the confidence that God is paving the way and all you have to do is follow it. How’s that for easy?

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Kris’ new book Make it Matter – A Roadmap to Living a Life of Purpose is now available on Amazon.  If you’re ready to find your God given purpose and create the life you want, Grab your copy here.

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