He is a senior trainer in community crisis management credentialed by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and University of Maryland which has allowed him to help rebuild stability after national disasters like the Columbine and Parkland School Shootings, Hurricane Katrina, the Orlando Pulse Terrorist Attacks and the devastation in New York City after 9/11.
How to Speak the Truth in Love with Dwight Bain – Building Faith with Kris Reece
Dwight spent over 15 years as a Family Law Mediator working alongside families in complex situations and high-conflict family owned businesses. He worked with these families through power struggles to resolve conflict and move toward peaceful resolutions. This work included serving two years as an affiliate member of the Florida Bar on the committee protecting the needs of children in complicated divorces.
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Your thoughts impact so much of your life – learn how toxic your thoughts are and how you can overcome the toxic thoughts holding you back from living the life God most wants for you. Take this assessment to determine how toxic your thoughts are and begin on your journey to renewal.