3 Signs God is Telling You to Let Go of Toxic People


One thing we can be sure of is that God will help you to let go of toxic people, but sometimes it can be tricky to trust in His guidance….especially when we’ve been led astray. But I am here to help you walk away from toxicity and towards God’s guidance.

Here are 3 Signs God is Helping You Let Go of Toxic People In Your Life

Sign #1: Increased Awareness 

An increased awareness means that you’re becoming more and more aware of bad behavior and red flags. Ultimately, it helps you immensely when you’re learning to let go of the toxic people in your life. God is faithful in his red flags but we, unfortunately,  are not always faithful in adhering to them. He doesn’t want to have to get a bullhorn, though. He wants us to hear his voice by listening closely. You need to be listening closely, always.

God wants you to always be very prayerful and careful with how we move forward in this life.  

Sign #2: Open & Closed Doors

Sometimes God will open or close a door to transition you away from somebody or something. 

This is God’s hand at work.

Over the years my counseling practice has been primarily focused on helping women deal with toxic, narcissistic mothers. Oftentimes they choose to stay in the toxic relationship with their mother, but even though they chose to stay they still have to grieve the loss of what they hoped the relationship would be. For many of these women, this is totally foreign. Like, how do you grieve someone who’s still alive? Well, it’s the relationship that you hoped for that you’re actually grieving. 

Grieving our expectations  – that’s part of the work of God. He is here to help you let go of those expectations, which can sometimes contribute to some of the toxicity. Expectations can keep you caught in a toxic song and dance. It’s like some sort of toxic tango, but trust in God. He knows that you are sovereign above all.

Sign #3: Answered Prayers & Giving Thanks

Trust in God and eventually you will get to a place where we can honestly say “I don’t have to understand and maybe I never will, but I don’t need to understand. Life can go on. I can trust that He will guide me.”

I get it, it’s a tough one to give thanks in advance, especially when you’re still in the midst of grieving. But I’d be willing to bet almost anyone reading this right now has their fair of ‘thank you’s’ for God. Most of us have had to make it through quite a few relationships before God worked out the kinks. 

Even though necessary, ending a painful relationship can still be very traumatizing and hurtful. You still have to go through the grieving process, but you’re not walking this healing path alone, my friends. God is with you. I am with you.

My FREE Survival Guide for dealing with toxic people is another amazing resource. This guide will teach you how to BREAK FREE from narcissistic tactics of manipulation and let go of toxic people using key biblical confidence-building principles.

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Toxic People Survival Guide

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It’s like a cheat sheet to detoxify your life!

Biblical Boundaries

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