All Things Are Possible
With God

All Things
Are Possible
With God

Are you ready to renew your mind? Discover how toxic your thoughts are. >>

Are you ready to renew your mind?
Discover how toxic your thoughts are. >>

Latest Articles

Why is God Keeping Me in a Toxic Relationship?

Why is God Keeping Me in a Toxic Relationship?

Should I stay or should I go? That's the question we often asked God when we find ourselves in less than healthy relationships, everything in us could be screaming get me out of here, but for some reason, God seems to be keeping you there with no way of escape. And...

If I’ve Forgiven, Why Am I Still Angry?

If I’ve Forgiven, Why Am I Still Angry?

Whoever said, “Time heals all wounds” never saw an untreated wound get infected.  If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you’ve likely heard the biblical mandate to forgive found in Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one...

Does God Expect Christians to Stay with Narcissists?

Does God Expect Christians to Stay with Narcissists?

Are you struggling with toxic people? Maybe it's a stonewalling husband, a narcissistic mother, or an overbearing boss. Well, I want to invite you to grab a copy of our Free Toxic People Survival Guide. Narcissists are marked by an inflated sense of their own...

How to Embrace Your Identity in Christ

How to Embrace Your Identity in Christ

Just be yourself. Just know who you are in Christ. It's great advice, but what do you do when you don't know? What do you do when you don't know who you are? When you don't know who you are as a person when you don't know who you are in Christ. What is actually, your...

How to Find Your Identity in Christ

How to Find Your Identity in Christ

Do you struggle to embrace your identity in Christ? And maybe you're like many Christians, who know in their heads what Scripture says about them, but their heart didn't get the memo. Meaning, they're not walking in that identity or maybe you keep hearing people tell...

God, Why Are You Ignoring Me?

God, Why Are You Ignoring Me?

Do you ever feel like your prayers are just bouncing off the sky? It might feel like God is ignoring you when He doesn’t answer your prayers in the way you’re hoping, but the Bible gives insight as to why God may appear to be ignoring you. Here are 5 possible reasons...