by Kris Reece | Oct 28, 2019 | Christian Women's Speaker, Spiritual Growth
Do you ever feel like God is ignoring you? I remember one cold January morning as I sat on the floor of my bedroom. I had been in prayer for weeks over a house that I wanted to buy. It was a great deal. The price was cut in half since the market had crashed. It was a... by Kris Reece | Oct 14, 2019 | Christian Women's Speaker, Spiritual Growth
Prayer is a crucial part of your relationship with God, yet it’s tempting to neglect this vital communication because it can sometimes feel like your prayers just bounce off the sky. If this is happening to you, you are likely making prayer far more complicated than... by Kris Reece | Sep 16, 2019 | Christian Women's Speaker, Spiritual Growth
According to recent data from the US Census Bureau, a woman’s annual earning are on average $9,909 less than her male counterpart. Even after all the years of fighting for equal rights, women find themselves having to work harder to prove their competency. They feel... by Kris Reece | Sep 3, 2019 | Christian Women's Speaker, Spiritual Growth
Have you ever waited for something so long that you wondered if God had forgotten about you? I’ve never been one to wait well, but there was one time in my life that was especially trying my patience. It was several years after my divorce and I was a new woman. I had... by Kris Reece | Aug 19, 2019 | Christian Women's Speaker, Spiritual Growth
Have you been waiting on God for so long that you wonder if your ‘not now’ has turned into ‘not ever’? I was in the self-checkout line today at the grocery store. All eight stations were full and there was one woman to attend to the constant demands of the shoppers’...
by Kris Reece | Aug 6, 2019 | Christian Women's Speaker, Spiritual Growth
We often hear about the benefits of waiting on God, but what about the consequences of NOT waiting on Him? I confess, patience is not my strongest virtue. I don’t wait well. I am a classic type-A personality who feels that if I’m not ‘doing’ something, I must be in...