Can Christians Have Demons?

Can Christians Have Demons?

The Bible is clear.  Demons are real. But can a Christian have a demon?   First, let’s clarify what it means to have a demon.  In the Bible, there are levels of demonic influence.  On one end there’s demonic influence. This is where the enemy attacks and influences...

Why Demons Won’t Leave

Struggling under demonic influence, but perhaps you’ve prayed and maybe you’ve even gone for deliverance. But still, those demons won’t leave. Why will this question causes many to become insecure and begin to doubt the power of God in their lives?...

God, Why Aren’t You Blessing Me?

Do you look at other people and feel like God has skipped over you–like there was a line for blessings and you never got the invite? Watching others get blessed while you continue to struggle or suffer can be frustrating and discouraging. Scripture is clear that...

How to Change Unwanted Thoughts God’s Way

We are talking about how to change unwanted thoughts. Everyone has intrusive thoughts from time to time. But what do you do when those thoughts can be the difference between life and death? Intrusive thoughts can range from the sudden discontentment in your marriage...