The Avoider

Your results are in… and you are The Avoider.
If you had a motto it would be: “Peace at all cost”.
As the Avoider, you hate conflict. No one would ever accuse you of rocking the boat.
You’re the one that everyone likes to be around because you’re so easygoing and agreeable.
You likely know it’s wrong, but you don’t want to ruffle any feathers.
You feel your best when everyone else around you is happy; it’s when you feel safest and most secure within your relationships and environment. You work hard to keep the peace just to make sure everyone around you is getting along.
In order to fit in, you likely find yourself playing small and maybe even compromising on your own values.
You may have also lost sight of the things that make you happy and the desires God has for your life.
Perhaps that’s something to consider as you begin this journey to go from people pleaser to God pleaser. After all, it’s God who gave you those desires in the first place.
Here’s a question to consider:
Scriptures to meditate on:
Galatians 1:10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.
Videos to Watch:
Want more?
If you’re only ok when others are ok with you, check out Kris’ online course Conquering Codependency Biblically.
In this course, she will guide you through the spiritual and practical steps to stop people pleasing and start God pleasing.
Kris Reece
Kris Reece holds a Ph.D. in Christian Counseling and a Master’s Degree in Theology. As a Minister, Christian Counselor, Coach and Author, her passion is in helping others defeat life’s devils, grow in faith and answer the call of God on their life. Her greatest desire is to see others set free from the unhealthy expectations of toxic people and live an abundant life.