The Recovering People-Pleaser

Your results are in… and you are ‘The Recovering People-Pleaser’!
As a ‘Recovering People-Pleaser’ you’ve likely seen the error of your people-pleasing ways.
Perhaps you’ve exhausted yourself for people who didn’t appreciate you and now you’ve begun to embrace your ’No’.
Good for you!
Where once you might have made compromises around your time and resources to make others happy, as a Recovering People-Pleaser you’ve learned that this simply doesn’t serve you (or God) well, at all.
It’s likely that you’re getting to know yourself better; and are not willing to compromise as easily for others who have another agenda.
While this is a great step in the right direction, be careful. Many people pleasers get blindsided in this phase as they think they’re out of the woods.
Satan is subtle and sly in his attempts to lure us back to our old dysfunctional ways.
It’s important to stand firm in your identity in Christ and keep taking the steps forward to speaking your No in love and building your God-confidence.
Here’s a question to consider:
“In what ways can God use me to help others overcome the disease to please?”
Scriptures to meditate on:
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Videos to Watch:
Want more?
If you’re only ok when others are ok with you, check out Kris’ online course Conquering Codependency Biblically.
In this course, she will guide you through the spiritual and practical steps to stop people pleasing and start God pleasing.
Kris Reece
Kris Reece holds a Ph.D. in Christian Counseling and a Master’s Degree in Theology. As a Minister, Christian Counselor, Coach and Author, her passion is in helping others defeat life’s devils, grow in faith and answer the call of God on their life. Her greatest desire is to see others set free from the unhealthy expectations of toxic people and live an abundant life.