by Kris Reece | Nov 30, 2021 | Personal Growth
youtube apple podcast spotify Maybe your anxiety comes from worry and you lie awake at night running the what ifs over and over again in your mind. Or perhaps your anxiety is so deeply rooted from your past. And you jump from one thing to the next and a constant... by Kris Reece | Nov 24, 2021 | Christian Counseling, Spiritual Growth
If you are struggling with repeated behaviors that you hate but can’t break, you could be dealing with a stronghold. Strongholds are fortified lies that have been erected in our minds. These mental mindsets oppose the word of God and keep the believer stuck in a toxic... by Kris Reece | Nov 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
youtube apple podcast spotify In today’s episode, we are talking about eight things that you need to know about demons. And yes, Jesus has won the victory. But as long as we are here on this side of eternity, we are living in the world that Satan is the ruler... by Kris Reece | Nov 22, 2021 | Spiritual Growth
youtube apple podcast spotify Hey, my friend. Welcome back to another edition of the Building Faith Podcast. I am your host, Kris Reese, and it is my heart to help you to defeat life’s levels grow in your faith, and answer the call of God on your life. There is... by Kris Reece | Nov 17, 2021 | Spiritual Growth
Do you find it nearly impossible to shake off toxic thought patterns? No matter how hard you try, no matter how much you pray, you may find relief for a moment but eventually, you’re back to feeling like you’re out of control or even ‘losing your mind’? The apostle...