by Kris Reece | Dec 21, 2014 | Christian Counseling, Relationship
If you are reading this, you are probably part of the small percentage of step-mothers who do not have an amicable relationship with your new children’s mother. Put another way, you’ve got baby mama drama. Despite all of your efforts and attempts, this woman cannot... by Kris Reece | Dec 21, 2014 | Christian Counseling
Perhaps you have just experienced the surprise of your life when your spouse came home and told you he was leaving. Or you could be one of the many who has been in a miserable situation that despite all of your efforts didn’t work out. Even if you saw it coming, went... by Kris Reece | Dec 21, 2014 | Christian Counseling
It’s been a long journey, but finally you are free. Perhaps you were in a tumultuous marriage and you are now looking forward to the new life God has in store for you. Or perhaps your divorce was completely unexpected and you are finally getting to the other side of...