by Kris Reece | Nov 4, 2018 | Christian Counseling, Christian Life Coach, Christian Women's Speaker, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized
Last week, my website got hacked. Every piece of material I’ve ever written was deep within those web walls. It was there one day and the next, poof! Gone.Talk about a horrible feeling. It’s worse than having my purse stolen. My first thought was… This can’t be... by Kris Reece | Oct 31, 2018 | Christian Life Coach, Christian Women's Speaker, Personal Growth
This past weekend, I met a man who believed that his past disqualified him from a new beginning in life. He had committed armed robbery on more occasions than he could count and had just been released from a seven-year prison sentence. In his time of need when he was...
by Kris Reece | Oct 29, 2018 | Christian Counseling, Christian Life Coach, Christian Women's Speaker
Do you feel like your thoughts spiral out of control? Do the same thoughts circle over and over again in your mind? Thoughts come at us on an average of 60,000 per day—most of them suck the life right out of you, by telling you things like, “I can’t do this,” or... by Kris Reece | Oct 23, 2018 | Christian Counseling, Christian Life Coach, Christian Motivational Speaker, Christian Women's Speaker, Personal Growth
How do you get peace when your mind feels like a pinball machine? Pinball may be fun to play in an arcade, but it’s no fun when it feels like each thought is like an out-of-control ball bouncing around in your head. There is a big misconception about what it means to... by Kris Reece | Oct 1, 2018 | Christian Life Coach, Christian Motivational Speaker, Christian Women's Speaker, Personal Growth
“Just be yourself,” they say. Great advice, but what if you don’t know who you are? Many people spend a good part of their lives pleasing others and trying to be something they are not. Is that you? It was me for a long time. I spent a long time in an industry I did... by Kris Reece | Sep 24, 2018 | Christian Life Coach, Christian Women's Speaker, Personal Growth
This past weekend, I met a man who believed that his past disqualified him from a new beginning in life. He had committed armed robbery on more occasions than he could count and had just been released from a seven-year prison sentence. In his time of need when he was...