by Kris Reece | May 25, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Counseling, Christian Narcissist, Relationship, Toxic People
If you’re like many well-meaning Christians who choose to stay with a narcissist, you can’t quiet that nagging question—how do I keep loving a narcissist without letting their toxic behavior get to me? Another common thought is, I’m barely done forgiving them for...
by Kris Reece | May 21, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Narcissist, Personal Growth, Relationship with God, Spiritual Growth, Toxic People
A few months ago, I launched a series on biblical boundaries that received a positive response from my audience. However, soon after, I started receiving disheartening messages from people who claimed that their boundaries weren’t working. It left me wondering...
by Kris Reece | May 19, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Counseling, Christian Narcissist, Personal Growth, Relationship with God, Toxic People
As a Christian counselor who shares her faith online, people often assume that my job is a dream come true – I get to talk about Jesus all day and work with fellow believers. Unfortunately, not all interactions with them are positive, and I’ve had my fair...
by Kris Reece | May 14, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Counseling, Christian Narcissist, Personal Growth, Promises of god, Relationship with God, Spiritual Growth
If you’re wondering how to have more faith, it’s essential to start by examining the direction your current faith is headed.Is your faith on an upward trajectory, or is it more like a downward spiral? We all have faith-faltering moments, but if you’re...
by Kris Reece | May 11, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Counseling, Christian Narcissist, Relationship, Toxic People
I didn’t even realize he was a narcissist until after we were divorced. I felt like a fool for not seeing it, embarrassed because it took me that long to put a label on it. But the truth is, it didn’t need a label. I knew something was wrong six days after we returned...
by Kris Reece | May 7, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Counseling, Christian Life Coach, Christian Narcissist, Toxic People
While traditional counseling can be helpful, it is limited to addressing psychological and emotional issues. Faithful counseling, on the other hand, integrates biblical principles and spiritual guidance to address not just the symptoms but the root cause of our...