by Kris Reece | Apr 13, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Counseling, Christian Narcissist, Toxic People
There is a specific kind of narcissist who is especially dangerous – the Christian covert narcissist. This is the type of person that Jesus warned about when he cautioned his followers to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15). This narcissist...
by Kris Reece | Apr 9, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Narcissist, Promises of god, Relationship with God, Spiritual Growth
As a counselor and speaker, people ask me all the time, “How to confirm your calling from god? Did you always know what God wanted you to do?” For a long time, I had no idea what God’s purpose for me was, but I remember the day I realized that there was more to my...
by Kris Reece | Apr 2, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Narcissist, Relationship with God, Spiritual Growth, Toxic People
Are you longing to fulfill God’s purpose for your life or are you exhibiting signs that you are running from God? As difficult as this may be to hear, you were not put on this earth to be happy. That’s the bad news. The good news is, you were put on this earth to do...
by Kris Reece | Mar 31, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Narcissist, Promises of god, Relationship, Toxic People
Codependency can be a difficult pattern to break, but it is possible. If you’re wondering how to heal from codependency, it’s important to remember that it starts with recognizing the issue and seeking help. When you think of love and care, the first...
by Kris Reece | Mar 26, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Counseling, Christian Narcissist
Feeling God’s love is important for many of us. Do you know in your head that God loves you, but you long to feel it in your heart? For many who have endured a loveless marriage or a childhood home void of much needed love, it can be difficult to feel God’s...
by Kris Reece | Mar 23, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Narcissist, Relationship, Toxic People
Why do narcissists mess with your mind so much? Are narcissists demons? It’s because YOUR mind is Satan’s number one target. If he can get in your head, he can infect every other area of your life. And he starts by using the people closest to you. A narcissist is...