by Kris Reece | Mar 16, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Narcissist, Relationship, Toxic People
Narcissists have a superficial and alluring charm that draws you into to their web. They say everything you want to hear, classic Christian narcissism, but over time the cracks in their mask start to show. Maybe after years of inconsistent behavior that didn’t match...
by Kris Reece | Mar 2, 2023 | Categorized2023, Christian Narcissist, Relationship, Toxic People
You’ve heard of an oxymoron, right? An oxymoron is a self-contradicting word or group of words, like ‘jumbo shrimp,’ ‘awfully good,’ and ‘only choice.’ If you were just learning the language, some of these figures of speech would confuse you, and rightfully so. The...
by Kris Reece | Oct 1, 2022 | Personal Growth, Promises of god, Relationship, Spiritual Growth
In the fourth grade, pinkie promises were all the rage. You would ask your friend for something, and even after you received the agreement, you would seal it with a pinkie promise. This would ensure that your friend said what they meant and meant what they said and...
by Kris Reece | Sep 26, 2022 | Personal Growth, Relationship
Toxic relationships are infectious diseases, people poison you from the inside out with their gaslighting, manipulation, and constant drama. And many years ago, I ran into an old boyfriend at the mall and I stopped to do the niceties, “Good to see you. I hope...
by Kris Reece | Aug 29, 2022 | Relationship, Toxic People
We’re living in a time where toxic parenting is not tolerated so much anymore. The “I’m your mother” line that once worked on kids is no longer enough to bully adult children into submission. And if you’ve been raised by a toxic parent, I truly...
by Kris Reece | Aug 15, 2022 | Relationship
Toxic people can really push your buttons whether they’re twisting scripture for their benefit, playing the victim to make you look bad, or gaslighting every negative emotion that you experience. Trying to be in a relationship with the seemingly devil-sent...