Am I A People Pleaser Quiz

Am I A People Pleaser? Have you ever wondered why you can’t say NO, even when you want or need to? Do you often go along to get along? Do you frequently feel used and overlooked? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, it’s highly likely that you’re battling...

The Mood Monitor

The Mood Monitor Your results are in… and you are The Mood Monitor If you had a motto, it would be:  “I do it because I care”. You can’t seem to say no, no matter how much you want to.  The thought of being direct, honest, and vulnerable scares your socks off. Your...

The Caretaker

The Caretaker Your results are in… and you are The Caretaker As the caretaker, you likely put the needs of others above your own. This may sound like a Christ-like quality but you do it to a destructive degree. As a result, you don’t take care of yourself and your...

The Avoider

The Avoider Your results are in… and you are The Avoider. If you had a motto it would be: “Peace at all cost”. As the Avoider, you hate conflict. No one would ever accuse you of rocking the boat.   You’re the one that everyone likes to be around because you’re so...