3 Signs of Emotionally Healthy People

What does True Healing Look Like? We can recognize an obviously emotionally unstable person from a mile away. But what about spotting those who are emotionally wounded and didn’t get the proper healing? For those it takes a closer look, or perhaps a closer...

Stop the Step-Family Denial, Stop the Stress

Have you ever known a person who refused to see the truth about himself? Who, instead of facing the truth and embracing change, ran from place to place or from person to person, trying to find assurance that he was “okay” and didn’t need to change? Now the works of...

Making Space for Faith in Your New Step-Family

As parents we know how difficult it is to instill Godly values in our children. You work hard to spend time teaching them God’s word. You send them to Sunday school. You strive to be a good example of how a Christian should live. And still, sometimes they turn the...